Sunday, 7 March 2021

Ogre Mercenaries

Finished these an age ago, at least they're as finished as they're gonna get for now. May revisit a few bits that got missed one day (one trooper's mace I missed the strap on the head, for example). Each of the troopers has a converted head to make them a but more individual. I have a virgin somewhere that I ought to paint up too.

I like the idea of mercenaries in a warband or army. It does seem quite realistic since mercs were of great value historically - which is a minor point in fantasy really - and they give you more tactical options which is fun. Importantly for me it breaks up the look of the force.

I think I'd started these guys, or nearly started them, way back in 2015 when I started this blog. I added the Chaos ogre a few years later when I picked him up at a bring and buy. He's a strange sculpt, with his plate armour. I don't know why I fancied leapoard print for his shoulder guard but it's retro style so why not.

This troop can accompany my Chaos warband and chaotic Dark Elf horde. One of these days, if I ever get them all finished - I have some more elf crossbows to paint, elf knights to figure out, plans for some sort of war altar for the chaos warband and at least a hundred other ideas for both - I'd love to get them all together in an unholy alliance of the Chaotic Powers and lead them across a huge gaming table. One day.

I'm also aware that my phone camera is not really up to scratch, but my little DSLR is all packed away and I can't be bothered to get it out for now!

Wednesday, 24 February 2021

Back after 6 years!

He's big, mean and hairy, and after a little bending to make him more 3d I think a great model!

Yeah, so life has a habit of turning things upside down. I lost all my photos after my old domain ran out and I screwed over the retrieval of my files. Lol. I then couldn't be bothered to take new photos of everything and repost them and then decided to retrain in horticulture... or I should say start training for a career - which sucked all my time through 2016.

Six years later and I admit that I never posted anything and fell off the radar on the Oldhammer forum. I have now a 8-4 steady job which beats self employed theatre production somewhat but gives me less freedom. I bought a house, well, I sold the first after renovating it and bought another a couple hundred miles away with my now partner, so a few major upheavals later I remembered I had a blog.

I'll just drop in a few pics of what I've worked on recently before I start the process of publishing my painting, collecting and scultping stuff over the last 6 years - I never stopped Oldhammering away on the sly, often early morning or late evening painting sessions!

A recent banner with a home scultped top. I got inspired by some Ian Miller paintings, though I'm not sure how I got from that to this!

Hmm, I seem to be photographing banners recently! Also quite proud of my Slaanesh champion, though I'm not a huge fan of the distinction GW started to make between chaos factions. Think I prefer a lower fantasy flavour, and controversially Khorne can just bugger off!